Friday, December 22, 2023

Preparing for Departure

As we head to Central Europe to begin our robust itinerary in January, we'll be counting on our readings and discussions to provide a strong foundation for processing what we see, hear, and experience abroad.

Among our sources, we've read sections of material from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, provided reactions to and summaries of Primo Levi's book Survival in Auschwitz, viewed the film The Pianist, researched topics about the sites in our itinerary, visited the Iowa Holocaust Memorial, and are planning to read excerpts from War and Genocide.

Soon, our immersion will add another dimension to our studies. Come along with us.

former Warsaw Ghetto and Trail of the Jewish Monuments: Day 12

  Standing on a remnant of the former wall of the Warsaw Ghetto Honor to the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto The 1940s valiant residents of Wars...